Unveiling the Mysteries of the Creator's Calendar: A Journey through Time


For millennia, the calendar has not only served as a tool for marking time, but also as a map guiding humanity's journey through the cosmos. But have we ever paused to ponder the origins of the calendar we currently use? In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of calendars, focusing on the Creator's Calendar. This comprehensive guide will explore the genesis, purpose, and relevance of this intriguing system of timekeeping.

The Calendar Conundrum

It's easy to overlook the significance of the calendar in our lives, yet it's central to our understanding and experience of time. A calendar dictates much more than just the dates when we celebrate special events or the rhythm of our work weeks—it determines who we serve, either consciously or subconsciously.

The calendar most widely used today, the Roman Gregorian Calendar, governs the routine of the entire world. But have you ever asked yourself who crafted this calendar, and why?

Creator's Calendar: An Origin Story

The Creator's Calendar, attributed to YAHUAH, the Creator, is believed to have been established at the beginning of time itself. According to Scriptures, YAHUAH commanded the creation of celestial bodies to separate day from night and to serve as markers for time.

Barashiyt (Genesis) 1:14-18 details this beautifully, "And Aluah said, 'Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years...'"

This ancient Scripture makes it clear that the Sun and the Moon—the "greater" and "lesser" lights—are to be used as time markers.

A Universe-Ordained Timekeeper

The magnificence of the Creator's Calendar is based in its unalterability. The Sun and the Moon, which serve as the primary time markers in this system, are beyond human manipulation. Their celestial dance dictates the rhythm of days, months, and years.

Despite attempts by the 'Beast Power' to alter the perception of time and laws—as foretold in Daniyal (Daniel) 7:25—YAHUAH's calendar remains an unshakable constant, an eternally reliable beacon for those who choose to follow it. The adherence to YAHUAH’s Calendar is considered a sign of devotion and belonging to the Creator.

A Calendar Rooted in Nature

Unlike the continuously running Gregorian Calendar, the Creator's Calendar is cyclic and ties us to the natural rhythms of the universe. This lunar-solar calendar depends on both the Sun and the Moon, aligning with the basic rhythms of life and reminding us of our connection with the universe and the Creator.

Navigating the Lunar-Solar Calendar

At its core, the Creator's Calendar is straightforward. The start of each month is marked by New Moon Day. The lunar phase known as the conjunction—when the moon is fully obscured by the earth's shadow and appears blacked out—signifies the end of the month. The dawn after this conjunction marks the beginning of the new month.

Each month in the Creator's Calendar comprises either 29 or 30 days. The 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of every month are deemed Sabbaths, days of rest and worship on the Creator’s Calendar.

The Turning of the Year

For the lunar year to remain in sync with the solar year, an additional, 13th month must occasionally be added. This principle, known as the Metonic Cycle, is intrinsic to the Creator's Calendar, ensuring it remains lunar-solar.

Calendar for a New Era

In our tech-driven society, following the Creator's Calendar might seem odd, or even daunting. Yet, there is an undeniable beauty in aligning ourselves with the natural cosmic rhythms that the Creator's Calendar offers.

Relevance in a Tech-Driven Society

At first glance, it might seem that the Creator's Calendar belongs to a time far removed from our fast-paced, technologically advanced society. But in reality, it holds immense relevance even today. In a world where technology often disconnects us from nature, following this calendar can reestablish our connection with the natural world. It encourages us to observe the movements of the Sun and Moon and appreciate their integral role in our lives.

Moreover, following the Creator's Calendar can serve as a form of resistance against the homogenizing effects of the globally adopted Gregorian Calendar. The Gregorian Calendar, with its fixed, unchanging cycle, often overlooks the varying rhythms of nature. In contrast, the Creator's Calendar allows us to celebrate and honor these rhythms, serving as a constant reminder of the variety and change inherent in the natural world.

Adopting the Creator's Calendar

Embracing the Creator's Calendar does require an open mind and a willingness to step outside the structures that society typically adheres to. However, the process of adopting this calendar is not as challenging as one might think.

To begin with, simply make a habit of observing the moon and its phases. Take note of the new moon, which marks the beginning of each month, and pay attention to the lunar conjunction (totally dark moon), which signifies the end of the month. Make a note of the Sabbath days and consider how you might honor these days in your own unique way.

Over time, you may find that this simple act of observing and following the natural cosmic rhythms brings a new depth and meaning to your experience of time.


In our modern world, where artificial constructs often overshadow nature's rhythms, the Creator's Calendar offers a powerful reminder of our inherent connection to the universe and to the Creator Himself, YAHUAH. By aligning ourselves with these natural rhythms, we not only honor the Creator's original design but also enhance our experience of time.

In conclusion, the Creator's Calendar is more than just a system of timekeeping—it is a path to a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos and a profound connection with the natural world. Whether you're looking for a new way to experience time, a means to reconnect with nature, or you realize the importance of obeying YAHUAH based on His time keeping system, the Creator's Calendar offers a beautiful and enriching journey. We hope you will consider obeying YAHUAH, and embark on this journey of rediscovering the divine rhythms that guide our lives.

To learn more about the Creator’s Calendar and actually see the correct calendar, click here, or go to: https://www.promotethetruth.com/yahuah-calendar

Also, be sure to check out our “Truth Scripture Project” where we are in the process of creating what we believe will be the most accurate English translation of the Scriptures in the world. Click here or go to: https://www.promotethetruth.com/contribute

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